Galenika a.d. appoints Ricardo Vian Marques as the new general manager
Belgrade, January 16, 2020 – Beginning of the year marks a major change at the top of Galenika, the pharmaceutical company which after the privatization in 2017 became a part of the NC Group, one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in Latin America. The newly appointed General Manager is Ricardo Vian Marques.

Mr. Marques has previously been Executive Director for Operational Affairs of Galenika for two years. Namely, Reinhard Andreas Dr. Nordmann who was the General Manager of Galenika in the past two years, will continue his professional career on other projects in Brazil.
Mr. Marques comes from a pharma background with 15 years of vibrant experience in NC Group where he had held several positions and had been responsible for different areas of corporate business until he accepted the challenge of the newly acquired company in Serbia in 2017.
„The previous two years have been very dynamic for Galenika and the positive changes are seen in all aspects of the business, organization, team and results. Together we have managed to get back to the high, 2nd position in market share and bring considerable innovations. Hard work awaits but we are ready to continue to increase the production and sales in Serbia, as well as the region and also other international markets.’’, said Ricardo Vian Marques.
„The substantial investments made so far are only the beginning on our decisive path forward, and in the next three years Galenika plans to grow sales, further develop the team and continue to introduce considerable innovations in the Serbian market relying on the strong local team and expertise from both, the Serbia based company and our Brazilian colleagues“, Vian Marques concludes.