Belgrade, February 28, 2024 – During 2023, Galenika recorded a strategic expansion of the portfolio of products, increased the number of international certificates for quality, and further internationalization of its business. During the previous year, in Serbia and the regional markets where it operates, Galenika registered 129 products, while 77 were launched. The company has increased the number of certificates for the highest level of work and production standards, and is now the holder of 18 domestic and international GMP, ISO and HACCP certificates. In addition to Serbia, Galenika successfully operates in 20 international markets, while in 2024 it is planned to expand operations to 4 more markets in Europe and the MENA region.

As a part of Brazilian NC Group, and with a strategic partnership with Brazilian pharmaceutical leader – EMS, during 2023, Galenika successfully realized the transfer of technology for 6 products from the newer generation of generic drugs, and in 2024, preparations for the realization of technology transfer for another 6 products began.
„Despite of the challenges due to global circumstances, in 2023 Galenika successfully ensured the production and distribution of its products in all markets where it operates. Quality is the essential prerequisite of Galenika’s business philosophy and one of the pillars of the sustainable culture of our business and corporate responsibilitty. In 2024, Galenika remains strategically focused on growth through high quality products, investments, digital transformation and further globalization of its business’’, said Ricardo Vian Marques, General Manager of Galenika.
Responsible doing business is a high priority. Compared to 2022, in 2023 Galenika reduced the amount of generated waste by 20% and water consumption by 4%. In order to ensure maximum savings and minimum loss of water, in March 2024, it is planned to complete the renovation of the internal water supply system, an investment in which seven hundred thousand euros were invested. During the previous year, the company realized donations of medical equipment for 3 health institutions as well as 47 donations of medicines for 35 health institutions in Serbia.
Galenika continuously takes care and invests in the education of its employees and partners. In the field of education, in accordance with the needs of modern business, the company has doubled the total number of hours invested in employee training. The company’s commitment to developing female leadership potential and recognizing the value of diversity is also indicated by the fact that 64% of managers in Galenika are women, which is even 17% more than in 2022. During 2023, as part of its own program “Galenika Academy”, the company realized 25 trainings for almost eleven thousand pharmacists and pharmaceutical technicians, i.e. 70% of the pharmacy community in Serbia. Additionally, Galenika organized as many as 87 professional medical events for 1.100 healthcare workers from Serbia.
Support to community in the field of long-term prevention awareness projects was not missing during 2023, while the company continues to expand initiatives of this type in the countries of the region.
Galenika pharmaceutical company was founded in 1945. After privatization in November 2017, it became part of the NC Group (www.gruponc.net.br), which includes EMS – the largest pharmaceutical company in Brazil and one of the largest pharma companies in the whole of Latin America. Galenika holds 2nd position in market share in Serbia and produces generic drugs, dietary supplements, cosmetic products, and medical devices. The strategy of the Group is the development of Galenika as a modern and flexible company, focused on research and development, which is constantly working to improve its products for improving health and quality of life, to the satisfaction of users.
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