Galenika Research Shows that Students in Serbia need Healthier Habits
Belgrade, September 10, 2020 – Galenika has launched a study on the daily habits and healthy lifestyle of students, according to which almost two thirds of students believe that a healthy diet is very important. However, it is only 45% of them that consume 3 meals a day, two thirds drink 1-2 liters of water a day, while less than a third exercise sports or physical activities regularly.

Although the majority of students stated (61%) that a healthy diet is very important, 44.6% of them do not eat vegetables every day, while almost half do not eat fruit every day. Almost 16% of respondents are in extremes – they have one or two meals a day or they snack all day. Both extremes are somewhat more present in females. When we talk about water intake, as many as 8 out of 10 respondents consume less than 2 liters of water per day, even in the summer, and 4.4% say that they drink less than half a liter, or that they do not drink water at all. Females are the majority when it comes to water consumption of more than 1.5 liters per day.

“During the student period, young people have a lot of obligations, and little time for everything they want to achieve during the day, which is why they are very often exposed to stress and are not aware of the danger that lies in an unbalanced lifestyle. International research shows that the largest number of diseases among the younger population is the result of bad life habits, as well as the lack of awareness of the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle, maintaining hygiene and regular visits to regular check-ups. We have been guardians of health for 75 years and we want our company to contribute to raising awareness of the importance of building and nurturing healthy habits of young people as a basis for quality life, today and in the years to come”, said Ricardo Vian Marques, General Manager of Galenika.
Additional Insights:
More than half of the students in Serbia do not engage in sports activities
In July, 77.6% of respondents engaged in sports activities lasting at least half an hour, during the week before the research, while almost a quarter (22.4%) did not do any, and most of them were female. The percentage of those who did not engage in sports activities or did a maximum of twice during 7 days is 54.6%.
More than a third of students consume cigarettes every day, while a fifth use bookmakers
When it comes to different types of addictions, alcohol and cigarettes are most present in the daily life of students. During the month, 60.4% of respondents consumed alcohol, of which 1.8% do it every day, and 19.7% 2-3 times a week. When it comes to cigarettes, more than a third of respondents (35%) said they smoke cigarettes every day.
When asked about the use of bookmakers, one fifth of the respondents answered in the affirmative, most of them from Vojvodina and Central Serbia, while 6.7% of them stated that they consume illegal psychoactive substances.

The WHO believes that the prevention of chronic non-communicable diseases is a vital and most important investment in society, especially among the younger population to build positive and healthy habits, which is an important task at all levels of society, and joint efforts show the best results.
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