Zoi & Zdravo Dvadesete published anthem of generation Z
Belgrade, June 21, 2022 – Young and talented Zoe, in cooperation with the socially responsible platform “Hello Twenties”, sang and published the song “Twenties”. The song produced by “Bassivity Digital” was conceived and then realized as the anthem of the twenties and talks about all their challenges, dilemmas, doubts, but also independence, responsibility and love. The song was created as a natural result of the topics that the “Hello Twenties” platform talks about as an online guide for young people.
“The twenties are a challenging period in which young people have high expectations, we consider them adults, although they have yet to gain important life experiences in that period. Along the way, they often forget or fail to learn how to be responsible to themselves. With the song sung by Zoe as a representative of that generation, we wanted to show that this is something that all young people go through, that everyday dilemmas are a common denominator, but also to draw attention to the Hello Twenties project as a place where there are proven answers to many questions. which young people have today, said Jelena Parojčić, Executive Director for Human Resources at Galenika.
Zoi, as a performer, was chosen as a representative of the generation, but also because she traces all the topics that young people identify with through her previous songs. The choice of Zoi was also influenced by the voices of the followers of the social networks “Hello Twenties” and their undivided opinion about her positive generational image.
“I am constantly under the personal review. I believe that those are the years when you feel the pressure that now you have to ‘find yourself’ and see where you are going and how you are going. But the most important thing for me at the moment is to work on myself as much as possible. I try to somehow follow my instinct and not get lost in the ocean of irrelevant things and information that overwhelms us,” said Zoi on the occasion of the presentation of the song “Twenties”.
The lyrics, arrangement and complete production of the song “Twenties” were realized by Bassivity Digital, and it is available on all streaming platforms and on Youtube
The “Hello Twenties” platform is a sustainable and socially responsible project of the Galenika company, intended for students and audiences aged 18 to 29 with the aim of providing relevant information in the field of mental and physical health. With this project, the company Galenika wanted to help 20-year-olds and convince them to understand the challenges they face, and to provide them with support in the present, in order to prepare them for a healthier future.
Since October 2020, the “Hello Twenties” project, implemented under the auspices of Galenika, supports young people in Serbia by providing them with verified and credible information in the form of recommendations and advice, all in order to prevent and preserve their health and establish healthy living. habit. For more information about the project “Hello twenties”, but also tips and recommendations on how to establish healthy living habits, visit twenties.rs, as well as Instagram and Facebook page.